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Sing a Song of Endings: Hymn to Apollo

Emma Pauly

In the spirit of this final week of rehearsals, below is my translation of the Homeric Hymn to Apollo, a brief prayer-song written (most likely) in the 7th century BC. The Homeric Hymns vary in length and there is a much longer one to Apollo present in the collection, but this seems appropriate for our purposes.

Phoebus, Bright-Shiner, the swan sings for you and of you,

clear and bright in the beating of his wings

as he settles on the riverbank that ever ebbs and flows,

the river Peneus. For you and of you the bard, cradling a pure-toned lyre,

with a sweet voice sings of you always. He sings of you first and last.

And so glory unto you, Lord Apollo! I appeal to you in this my song.




©2019 by Court Theatre's Oedipus Trilogy Dramaturgy Team

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