Spheres of Influence: Light, music, prophecy and oracles, poetry, medicine, plague, protection of youth
Symbols: Bow and arrow, lyre
Sacred plants: Laurel, cypress
Sacred animals: Swan, raven, wolf
Important Epithets: Loxias, meaning ‘interpreter’ or ‘oracular one’, Lyceus, meaning ‘of the wolves’, Phoebus, ‘shining one’, Paian, ‘healer’. Hekatos, ‘he-who-shoots-from-afar’
Relationship to Theban line: Tenuous biological relation, patron of Tieresias and Lord of the Oracle of Delphi
Spheres of Influence: Thunder, law and order, sky, justice, civic life, kingship
Symbols: Lightning-bolt, scepter
Sacred plants: Oak, olive
Sacred animals: Eagle, bull
Important Epithets: Cronides, ‘son of Cronos’, Hikesios, ‘He of Suppliants’, Xenios, ‘He of Hospitality’, Astrapaeus, ‘He of the Lightning’
Relationship to Theban line: Father to Dionysus, lover to Europa
Spheres of Influence: Wine, madness, ecstasy, theater, life-death-rebirth cycle, Thebes
Symbols: Thyrsus (fennel-stalk topped with a pinecone)
Sacred plants: Ivy, grapevine
Sacred animals: Bull, serpent, lion
Important Epithets: Bromios, ‘Loud-Resounding One’, Eleutherios, ‘He of Freedom’, Soter, ‘Savior’, Tauropos, ‘Bull-Formed One’, Lysios, ‘He Who Loosens Bonds’
Relationship to Theban line: Direct member of the Theban royal family, grandson to Cadmus, son of Semele, cousin to Labdacus.
Spheres of Influence: Hunting, protection of young women, untamed nature, wild animals, childbirth
Symbols: Bow and quiver, torch, headband or crown, deerskin pelt
Sacred plants: Cypress, palm
Sacred animals: Deer, bear, heron, dog
Important Epithets: Potnia Theron, ‘Queen of Beasts’, Hekatebolos, ‘She Who Shoots From Afar’, Keladeine, ‘Lady of Clamors’, Aidoios Parthenos, ‘Reverend Virgin’
Relationship to Theban line: Tenuous biological relation, cause of Actaeon’s death.
Spheres of Influence: Bloody, senseless warfare, masculinity, slaughter
Symbols: Helmet, spear, shield
Sacred plants: None
Sacred animals: Serpent, vulture
Important epithets: Theritas, ‘Beastly One’, Brotoloigos, ‘Slayer of Mortals’, Khalkeos, ‘Clad-in-Bronze’, Enyalios, ‘Warlike One’.
Relationship to Theban Line: Tenuous biological relation. Cadmean serpent slain at the founding of Thebes was sacred to him.
Spheres of Influence: Wisdom, strategic warfare, defense of cities, heroic action, weaving, handicrafts
Symbols: Spear and shield, aegis
Sacred plants: Olive
Sacred animals: Owl, serpent
Important epithets: Promachos, ‘She Who Fights in the Front’, Soteria, ‘Savior’, Polias, ‘She of the City’, Pronoea, ‘She of Foresight’
Relationship to Theban Line: Tenuous biological relation, aids Cadmus in the founding of Thebes.
